Since grad school's got me down (don't ask, its not worth it, all that matters is i'll be blogging about beer for at least another semester) I've got to get back to my blogging! A cheer up is in order.
In the last few weeks there have been a few occasions of delicious alcohol based encounters, as well as the first rerack of the wine! And it tastes good!
The Chocolate Stout bellow was lower in alcohol at just above 6 percent, but that's still higher than your average undrinkable beer. This stout was rich and dark with coffee and chocolate overtones. Too heavy to go with dinner, it made a great dessert. I'd recommend both these beers to any beer snob I find, and for 2 dollars a pop, they are well worth it. Although as a beer snob its their job to find something wrong with them.
More beer to come!
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