Pajo and I, upon waking up and dodging having to go shopping for lumber, went to eat lunch at the nearest diner and were of course drawn to the nearby liquor store. While browsing I spotted a brand of cider I hadn't seen before. Angry Orchard hard cider was the name. I decided to try the crisp apple flavor (it was on sale for $7 a six-pack). Once we left (with a case of PBR and a handle of Fireball cinnamon whiskey to go on top of the cider) we were warned by a wrinkly old lady on the sidewalk that this was not the part of the city to go walking around with so much booze. We assured her it's ok, we were sober at the moment. She then agreed that soberness would be ending in a couple hours.
Finally we returned to Grant's apartment. I think I was inside for ~30 seconds before I opened a cider. Upon opening I heard a breathtaking hiss of air. It was either the CO2 escaping or my breath being taken away by the prospect of drinking a new cider, I still don't know which. Gracefully I put the bottle to my lips and slowly sipped some of the cider. WOW. It was a mouth orgasm. That's gonna be my description for it. WOW with a mouth orgasm.
After about three ciders down I then discovered it's a twist-off. I lost some respect for it at that point but I still powered through the rest of the six pack. It did prove to be very helpful in building Grant's bed platform.
All in all I'm going to give it a 5/5 for flavor, a 5/5 for value. I will strongly recommend other cider lovers, recovering alcoholics, and beer lovers.
Thanks for guest blogging! :) Bring some back with you, it sounds delicious.