Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Promised Port

Ah, my old stand bye, port. My love for you has only grown since I was introduced to your inspiring flavors as an undergraduate at the University of Massachusetts (Go U!). To the left you will find my favorite variety, Porto Morgado Ruby. Like all true ports, this is an import, not that the stuff they make around here is that bad. I did learn something today, though, while researching port in my intermittent struggle to understand the differences between Tawny and Ruby port.
I'll start with Ruby. Basically, from what i understand, ruby is aged less in the cask (or steel vat) and more in the bottle. This port is less oxidized, therefore maintaining a brighter color. That means it has a less complex flavor, and slightly less sweetness. It will also have a stronger flavor (yum :). Of course, one of my favorite parts: its pretty much the cheapest type of port you can buy.
With port I have actually graduated from the bottom shelf and moved on to this 10 or so dollar bottle. It gets a 4/5 for value and 5/5 for taste. I can't give it a 5/5 for value since that goes to the 4 dollar bottles i used to buy.
Moving on to Tawny port. This is ruby port's snootier older brother. Its cask aged for a few years, and has more oxidation leading to a less intense color. This type of wine does improve with age, but i'll never let it last that long. Slightly sweeter, this wine is great for adding to Mike's blackberry sauce. But, just so he knows- yes, it was Ruby that you liked better. I was wrong. But, I'll definitely drink both any day.
Cheers to port! But remember, its stronger than regular wine, so smaller cups. I've made that mistake before.

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