Wednesday, October 24, 2012

That wine that starts with a G

I still don't know how to pronounce this, but a friend brought over a bottle of homemade Gewurztraminer on Saturday.
Please note, the color looked nothing like this in person. I was actually a pleasant mellow color, to match its fairly pleasant mellow flavor. The maker, Mike (no not the asshole who dumped me for jesus... i may or may not have relayed that story here) but a friend who works up near Chicago, admitted to losing half the sweetening pouch. He may or may not have accidentally dropped a bunch of it on the floor instead of in the wine brewing bucket. The lack of sweetness was actually quite pleasant in this wine. 
The one downside was a slight off flavor. Mike says the wine may have oxidized a bit, how unfortunate. Overall, not a bad try. I think i'll buy a bottle to see if this type of wine is for me. In its unoxidized form of course. 
Here is your wine knowledge for today:
Gewurztraminer is made from a cool weather white wine grape. Nifty. Apparently it shares some of its aromatic compounds with lychees. If you haven't tired those, you should, they are quite good.
Ok, off to do more work. Sigh.
Happy Wednesday!

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